I talk to Bubba everyday at lunch. He calls me up, tells me about the idiots he spoke to that day and we have a good laugh at their expense. That Friday, Bubba says to me "Why don't we go somewhere this weekend? Ya know, without The Kid". What? Is that even possible? Can I convince someone to keep her for a whole two days or will I have to sit her on her grandparents doorstep, ring the doorbell and run like hell? All these possibilities considered, I agree anyway. We fly home Friday, pack our stuff and head for Nanny and Peep's (suckers). After spending the night there I wake up the next morning ready to plan out our weekend. But, plans are for sissies (or so Bubba tells me) so we just get a rough idea or where we would like to end up that night and hit the road.
It starts out good enough: we go do some shopping at the mecca of crazy-random-awesomness, The Unclaimed Baggage Store, grab some lunch and head to Chattanooga. This is when things begin to go... not as planned.
When we get to Chattanooga, Bubba asks me to look for a hotel. So, I get out my phone and search for the hotels I found on Friday who had more than enough rooms. Not so that day. Everything was booked. Now what do we do? "Let's go to Cherokee and go to the casino!" he says. Great idea! By the way this day was going I was going to need a free drink (or five). So, we get back on the road and head to North Carolina. About 10 minutes outside Chattanooga I ask Bubba "Do you think I should check rooms there first?" "Nah." he replies "We'll call when we're closer"
'Closer' ends up being about 45 minutes outside Cherokee. I call the casino, and guess what: No rooms. None in the casino or in any hotel in Cherokee. I begin to cry. 'Why?' you may ask. Well, because I'm 3oo miles from home and the prospect of sleeping in a Wal-Mart parking lot makes me break out in hives. I'm not 19 anymore ya know. This will not stand. After I finally calm down, we stop in a parking lot in a little town with 3 hotels. I call the first two to no avail. There's a rodeo in town and there are no rooms. Well, hell. Starting to freak out, I try the last one. Hallelujah! There is room at the [Holiday] Inn! We bust ass down there. It's not the Ritz, but frankly, I didn't give a rat's ass. It wasn't that god-forsaken Wal-Mart, so I consider it a win.
We get settled in and we do what any couple who has a small child and is alone together for the first time in over a year; we pick up some beer and Zaxby's and sit and watch a football game.
Compared to that rest of the trip was pretty uneventful:
- We learned that nothing is free at an Indian Casino
- We saw the exploitation of a proud people while buying authentic moccasins
- Found out that a 16 oz glass bottle will, in fact, break after a 2 foot fall on a tile floor
- and we remembered what we used to do before The Kid came along.
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